The Word.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Peanut Butter Panic

It's a well documented fact that I love peanut butter. Too much. I would eat it with just about anything if it had the possibility of tasting good, and as a result of my obsession I've decided to blog about my peanut butter adventures.  So without further ado, we will begin blogging peanut butter.

Today I tried something I'd seen on the internet before and had been wanting to try for a while; the peanut butter and banana quesodilla. I got out my frying pan, butter, tortilla, banana and peanut butter and got to work on this masterpiece.  I liberally slather peanut butter on anything and everything, completely ignoring the recommended serving size and basically just using peanut butter until I think there's enough.  I was feeling especially creative so I threw a few raisins in that tortilla and popped it on the stove.  Unfortunately this is where the problems started.

Peanut butter melts SO FAST. Even in it's room temperature state it's liquidy and goopy, so add a few extra degree's and you've got peanut butter melting all over the frying pan.  Hastily I turned the tortilla over and peanut butter would spray the pan, burning everywhere. Luckily I was able to keep most of the peanut butter in the tortilla and, by some divine skill, managed to keep the tortilla intact long enough for it to turn a nice golden color. At that point I started eating.

First off, I don't recommend the raisins. A part of me forgot I put them in the quesodilla, so when I took my first bite and it tasted a bit tough and gummy, it was an unwelcome surprise to my mouth and a sensory overload.  Other than that the sandwich itself was pretty good, but the tortilla didn't taste like something that was meant to be stuffed with sweet treats. By the end of the meal I was relatively satisfied, but my hands were covered in melted peanut butter mess because of well, the whole melted peanut butter thing. Probably won't do this again soon, it gave me a peanut butter heart attack.

Yay stay tuned!

It's funny because I'm horrible

I haven't written on here in almost a year I think, which is unacceptable and boring for all my devoted fans. I'm back now and will try my very best to keep posting now that SUMMERTIME is here and I am on my way to college. I have another series of blog post I want to do now and hopefully the public will respond to them with the same pseudo-positivity I got from the Potter posts.