The Word.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Being the slight internet sycophant that I am and constantly trying to gain acceptance and approval among my peers, it should come as no surprise that I have a twitter account as well, which is only slightly more successful than that of my blogging persona. Despite what the people say about how pointless twitter is and how bigheaded you have to be to think people actually care what you are doing every moment of the day (ex. "hot outside! not gonna run :p) I find it to be a positive outlet. If not for twitter, I would have to make multiple status's on facebook, annoying anyone of my friends who will now think I'm self obsessed. Whereas on twitter, everyone is just as self absorbed as I am, so no harm no foul am I right? of course I am, I tweeted about it. Still the fact remains, with great power comes great responsibility, I can't just tweet any old thing, (I'm not a celebrity after all, no one cares when I drink a smoothie) I have to keep it interesting to entice my followers, sometimes lying or "embellishing the truth" in order to make myself sound more interesting. It's exhausting, but worth it, after all, I have 25 more followers on Twitter than I Have here (sob)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Toddlers and Tiaras

wow I disappeared forever. No one noticed though am I right? (of course I am).
I've decided to take this time to alert the media, or my one follower, about how incredibly creepy toddlers in tiaras is. For one, it should be considered child abuse to forcefully apply pounds of makeup and fake teeth to your 5 year old when in reality, they can't even talk properly with the teeth god gave them yet! The fact that these pageant mom's are basically living vicariously through their barely adolescent children leaves me to wonder how they lost their childhood. Oh yeah! their mothers were pageant moms too! And don't even get me started on the episode on right now, a mother is taking her five year old son to the nail salon. He chose green because the judges would find it "cool". Good for you, Zander.
Oh look now! let's spray tan our five year old for the 50th time! there is nothing weird or disturbing about that at all!
In summary, Toddlers and Tiaras is morally ethically, spiritually, physically, absolutely, positively, undeniably and reliably WRONG.
^hey that was fun! maybe I'll do more post like this now that summer's here!