The Word.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cooking Catastrophe

School Projects can bring out the best and worst of your abilities to think fast, make deadlines, and be creative. Unfortunately, during a recent Spanish Project in which I had to make an authentic hispanic dish, I failed all the above criteria, and managed to make the worst food possible. My first mistake was choosing an authentic Spanish chocolate mousse recipe that was so authentic, it used the metric system for the ingredients! I wouldn't even know where to start putting in 2 DESERT SPOONS of sugar! what is a desert spoon anyway? A really small spoon? It seems like it would be easier if the whole world decided on a global measurement that was easily understood by everyone. My greatest error of all though was not reading the entire directions and skipping the butter that I was supposed to put in step 1. After I had finished making the mousse I had to hastily add in all the butter and when it hadn't melted properly, there were chunks of butter in my mousse. It was horrific. Needless to say the last thing that went wrong is the mousse never solidifying, making it look more like brownie batter then anything else. The lesson I learned the hard way, besides the fact that no one in their right mind tried my "mousse" was that cooking should be left to the professionals, and not me.

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