The Word.

Monday, November 8, 2010


bum ba da bum bum bum BUMMMM

to clarify, this means 10 days until the midnight premier on the 18th, so for the rest of you, its technically 11. But lets not get into detail.

The Marauder's Map reads: "Mssrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs proudly present: the Marauder's Map" which is nice and spirited and friendly and stuff until you realize the marauders died in reverse order Prongs is James, and he dies first. Padfoot is Sirius and he dies in OOTP. Wormtail is Pettigrew and he dies halfway through DH. Lastly, Mooney is Lupin (my favorite man) and he dies during the battle of Hogwarts near the end of DH :(

Creeeepily Mind Blowing....

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