The Word.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My countdown is over.

Kudos to everyone who listened to my rambling facts (all 52 of them) over the past month. Tune in for that later when Deathly Hallows Part II comes out which, let me tell you, is not soon enough.

The movie, which I saw at midnight was AMAZING. Best Potter movie ever, and if you haven't already seen it I don't know what you're doing with your time besides reading my little known blog. Now here comes the brief review.
I laughed, I cried, I screamed, and I got really really angry. All the main actors (Radcliffe, Grint, and Watson) did amazing! My favourite was Daniel Radcliffe. He had amazing timing on all his lines, had some great funny moments, and most importantly was great at the emotional scenes. His scene in the Godric's Hollow graveyard was so heartbreaking. It broke my heart. (redundant)
The funniest scene was definately the beginning of the seven Potters when Daniel Radcliffe had to play all the Order. Seeing him in a bra = priceless
Scariest flupping thing ever was Bathilda's house in Godric's Hollow. 1) she was the scariest looking old lady in the world. 2) you KNEW what was coming, which oddly made it scarier 3) THE SNAKE WAS TERRIFYING. at one point when I thought the worse was over, IT CAME BACK, and made me jump at least 2 feet off my seat.
The Saddest scene was Dobby's Death. enough said.
Lastly props to Emma Watson during the torture scene. that was some seriously good acting.
Hopefully if you just read this, you were at least aware of the basic plot of the books and I didn't ruin your life or destroy your movie experience but right now, GO SEE IT. If you haven't already, drop everything. If you've already seen it, go see it again, if you've seen it twice mad props, (now wait a week, and get someone else to buy a ticket for you, go to a matinee, and see it again)
Needless to say it was...Mind Blowing.

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