The Word.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Free....? Dress Down Days???

This post is kind of my-life-specific, so if you can relate to it then great, but if you can't - well, you might just learn something new. I go to a private high school which, needless to say, requires uniforms. I've been wearing uniforms to school my entire life and am pretty much used to it, but there's one problem with a monotonous school dress code that bothers me so flupping much - Free Dress Days.

Before you can say "yayyyyy let's go shoppinggggggg" You have to realize what this entails. Everyone at your school who normally doesn't notice what you're wearing is now going to notice what you're wearing, and, if you're a paranoid high school girl, judge you harshly on your choices. In order to succeed at Free Dress Day, you have to know about the day at least two days in advance, that way you can rummage through your teeny tiny closet and find something halfway decent to wear. You will, of course, change your mind five times and wear every single outfit you own at least twice (remember, you don't own many clothes that aren't khaki skorts, white polos, and plaid skirts). After the outfit is semi-decided and your closet is semi-on-the-ground, it's time for you to ask your friends what they're wearing.
You: "hey what r u wearin 2morrow?"
Friend: "haha idk something"
You: "..."
The conversation will continue along this pattern with lots of unnecessary laughing and emoticons, with you ultimately finding out nothing about what they are wearing to school. When Friday finally comes, you wake up early, fix your hair extra special, apply an extra coat of massacara (because you get to wear your OWN clothes) and hop out the door, immediately realizing you shouldn't wear flip-flops to school. Ever.

When you FINALLY arrive at school, all your friends are wearing t-shirts and gym shorts, and you look like your trying too hard to look good and wish you had in fact changed out of the flip-flops you were debating over earlier. Oh and the school charges you a dollar. To wear your own clothes.

Let's just go back to the uniforms please...

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