Saturday, March 27, 2010
Becoming tri-lingual
Except not really, I'm more of a mono-lingual girl personally. But over the spring break that changed my life, I became so bored - I mean inspired by my lack of being - that I made an attempt to pick up a form of slang called cockney. Cockney it basically English with a twist, spoken by British criminal in the 1800's. My adventure began when I promised my twitter followers, (all 20 of them) that I would be writing my next 10 tweets in Cockney. unfortunately, many of the people I actually knew missed the original tweet and assumed I was tripping out. Needless to say, after the procession of misinterpreted tweets I did some much needed explaining to my loyal followers. Adventure of the week. Baked Potato! (which means "Later!")
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hey kids! look over there!
Looks like I have my first follower EVER (cue the marching band) I know have a grand total of two followers, myself and Katie Rudder! who I thank a bunch for making me feel less like I am talking to myself and more like a sane person! yay!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The spring break my spirit

Yes, we did just have a two week spring break, and yes it's nice to unwind with no homework for two weeks. It however, is NOT nice to be a social hermit for the majority of those two weeks. I was stuck at my house, training the puppy not to pee indoors (she becomes progressively less cute every time she has an accident). I began to feel like one of the girls on sixteen and pregnant, I had a burdensome child who prevented me from living my life for two weeks. It was both an amusing observation and I sad truth. Luckily most of my friends returned during the second week and i got to have one or two duty free nights, excusing me from puppy clean-ups and mental breakdowns. Needless to say I have come out of this "enlightening" expierience, a bit more tired, weary person than the young child who went in just two weeks ago. Hopefully next year history won't repeat itself!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hello again (still just me) but just in case someone ever stumbles upon this blog, probably thinking it has something to do with math because of the name, then you might read this next post about my favorite band Coldplay. I will not shamelessly advertise them or gush about how awesome they are on here because it's already a well known fact that they are amazing and they don't need my advertisement, they are already doing quite well on their own without having me, a kid who took up blogging because she was bored one cold January day, to further there career. But I digress. I discovered Coldplay about two summers ago when Viva la Vida came out, so yes I did jump on the band wagon and cannot be considered "a true blue fan". But ever since then, I cannot stop buying their songs! Heck, my blog's name is a dual refrence to one of their songs and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (God knows why, I've only seen that train wreck of a movie once.) Anyways, just needed a preamble to share this video of Coldplay performing "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" and "Talk" live in concert. Both ah-mazing songs and even better, in my opinon performed live.
Hello again (still just me) but just in case someone ever stumbles upon this blog, probably thinking it has something to do with math because of the name, then you might read this next post about my favorite band Coldplay. I will not shamelessly advertise them or gush about how awesome they are on here because it's already a well known fact that they are amazing and they don't need my advertisement, they are already doing quite well on their own without having me, a kid who took up blogging because she was bored one cold January day, to further there career. But I digress. I discovered Coldplay about two summers ago when Viva la Vida came out, so yes I did jump on the band wagon and cannot be considered "a true blue fan". But ever since then, I cannot stop buying their songs! Heck, my blog's name is a dual refrence to one of their songs and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (God knows why, I've only seen that train wreck of a movie once.) Anyways, just needed a preamble to share this video of Coldplay performing "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" and "Talk" live in concert. Both ah-mazing songs and even better, in my opinon performed live.
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