The Word.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The spring break my spirit

Yes, we did just have a two week spring break, and yes it's nice to unwind with no homework for two weeks. It however, is NOT nice to be a social hermit for the majority of those two weeks. I was stuck at my house, training the puppy not to pee indoors (she becomes progressively less cute every time she has an accident). I began to feel like one of the girls on sixteen and pregnant, I had a burdensome child who prevented me from living my life for two weeks. It was both an amusing observation and I sad truth. Luckily most of my friends returned during the second week and i got to have one or two duty free nights, excusing me from puppy clean-ups and mental breakdowns. Needless to say I have come out of this "enlightening" expierience, a bit more tired, weary person than the young child who went in just two weeks ago. Hopefully next year history won't repeat itself!

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