The Word.

Friday, February 18, 2011

AW - a word

This will be a short post, but a meaningful one nonetheless. It is about another term I have coined, that can be used in any and every situation and will benefit you greatly throughout your life. That term just happens to be: Huckleberry Frolic.

This term was brought to my attention when talking to a friends mom about her childhood, and how every year there was an annual neighborhood party called the huckleberry frolic. Naturally, I disregarded her story and thought about the phrase "Huckleberry Frolic" to me, it means a party of any kind, but particularly one that is extremely wild or extremely country. In any situation where you see a party that is odd in nature or particularly wild, all you need to do is say "what is this a Huckleberry Frolic?" and trust me, people will get what you mean right away.

Mind Blowing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you hungry?

So if you even sub-follow my blog, you would see that a few weeks ago I obsessively declared my love for the book series known as The Hunger Games. Maybe in the future I'll blog more about it, in a Harry Potter esque series (you can see in my archives), but for now I'm only talking about the potential for their to be a movie. I repeat, there is going to be a Hunger Games movie. And, as with any quality film, Lionsgate will need to cast some actors to portray the characters we know, love, and obsess over.

I know there is a TERRIBLE rumor on IMDB saying that Chloe Mortiz will be playing Katniss and Gabe Liotta will play Peeta, but since THAT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE TRUE here is a list of my dream cast, as thought of two minutes ago.

Team :

Katniss: Lily Collins or a girl name Malese Jow

PEETA: there is only one person perfect enough to play Peeta, but he doesn't have an IMDB, so I am settling with William Mosely (with his old haircut) or Hunter Parrish

Haymitch: Robert Downey Jr.

Gale: Idk...Michael Trevino?

Prim: As the prognosis is...Elle Fanning

Cinna: Matthew Bomer


Cato and Clove: TOM FELTON and Emma Stone

Glimmer: Blake Lively

Thresh and Rue: Stanislave Ivanski and Willow Smith

Foxface: My friend Chloe...or Molly Quinn


Caesar Flickerman: Ryan Seacrest of course. or maybe some Joel McHale?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Scott Bass? part four

Despite my little interruption proclaiming my love for the Hunger Games (sigh) I have not lost site of what is important you all. Particularly the comparison of a fictional character and a reality show character. And this weeks topic is: Relationships ;)

Chuck and Blair, Chair, Bluck, Waldass, Bassdorf, whatever you want to call them, Chuck and Blair are the driving force of Gossip Girl, their tumultuous relationship has it's ups and downs, what with lies betrayal, and the little incident where Chuck sold Blair's body to his Uncle for a hotel...anyways they fight, they bicker, Chuck drinks, Blair cries, they kiss and make up, but at the end of the day you know that these to are going to stay together, if only for the ratings. Similarly...

Kourtney and Scott, Scourtney, Kott, Kardisick, Dishian, whatever you want to call them, Kourtney and Scott are the hot couple on Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kourtney and Khloe take Miami, and Kourtney and Kim Take New York. If only because they seem to be on the verge of breaking up every other episode. Even after Scott impregnated Kourtney with Mase-Face, their troubles didn't seem to end, they fight, they bicker, Scott drinks, Kourtney cries, they kiss and makeup, because at the end of the day, the ratings don't lie, and we love these couples.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Strange things did happen here...

I have to interrupt my riveting Scott Chuck comparisons for a moment as I tell my readers (all 3 of you) about my new favorite series of books (not replacing Harry Potter though). My school;s book club decided to start reading the first book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins as our next book of the year. At first I was reluctant to start reading it because the premise of teens killing teens on live television seemed weird and gory, but I finally relented to reading on one snowy January day, when my power was out. I became obsessed with the book approximately one hour later, when I had already gone throu 1/4 of the book. A day later I finished the book and asked for the next two for my birthday. I won't give away any of the books spoilers or anything, but I could NOT PUT THE BOOKS DOWN. I finished the last one today and am sad that they are over, but decided to highlight their awesomeness to the world with a pro and (very small) con list.


  1. It's a new idea (Like an incredibly high stakes Survivor)
  2. It's witty (characters are actually funny)
  3. Characters are likable
  4. PEETA
  5. Seriously, you won't be able to stop reading
  6. It's fast paced and never boring
  7. Suspenseful
  8. It's just fun to read
  9. Flupping awesome.

Cons (as if)
  1. It played with my emotions and made me depressed for a whole day.
  2. The main character is sometimes annoying/stupid
  3. Gale.
  4. Mental anguish
Anyways, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is a reader and even if you're not a reader, read it anyways. That way when the movie comes out next year, you won't be wondering what the hell is going on. Hunger Games is offically my second favorite book series.

EVER. (mind blowing isn't it?)