The Word.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

14 (2 WEEKS)

OMG kiddies, we have two weeks left untill the movie comes out! that means two weeks left of this blog countdown, which will be the last time I can countdown for a Harry Potter anything :(. On a happier note, here is today's fact:

According to the mini-book Quidditch Through the Ages the name of the game derived from its orignal stomping grounds, a place called Queerditch Marsh, where people would play wih a leather ball, two enchanted rocks, and a small elusive bird called the Golden Snidget.  Queerditch Marsh has since been made Unplottable to preserve it.

What the Flup is happening to the Quidditch Pitch? Must be a screenshot from Deathly Hallows...
Mind Blowing how much thought goes into the series huh?

14 quote

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."  That's some heavy stuff right there, but the prophecy in Order of the Phoenix is important...always.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

15: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Halfway there kiddies! thanks to anyone who's been reading this whole time! For anyone who hasn't, I don't blame you on account of this blog being relatively unknown.

8. Parking: The earlier you get to the theatre the better, because that means you have a pick of which spot you want.  I would aim for something as close as possible to the movie theatre itself, because you don't really want to be walking through the entire mall at 2:30 AM just because you thought it was smart to park where no one else would.  Newsflash: It wasn't smart, and now you are alone with only your wand to protect you in a deserted mall, scared as flup.  Sure the closer you park means that when the movies over there will be traffic getting out of the parking lot, but to be honest it won't be bad traffic and the most difficult part will definitely be pulling out of your parking spot.  (this is where your wonderful friends come in to guide you on your merry way)

Make your car painfully noticeable so you can find it immediately

15 quote

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."  Sirius may seem wise saying this in Goblet of Fire, but just wait until Order of the Phoenix, when he's racist towards House Elves!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I particulary like this fact because it kind of scares me.

When the names on the Maurader's Map are read in the series they are read in this order "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs" which is seemingly nothing special.  As any respectable Potter fan knows, this means the list is Lupin, Pettirgrew, Sirius, and James.  But, did you realize the marauders died in the reverse order of their names on the map? First James dies, then Sirius, then Pettigrew, and finally Lupin.  Coincidence? I don't think so...

Blew your mind

16 quote

"I say there are spots that don't come off... Spots that never come off, know what I mean?" Actually, no I don't know what you're saying as I flipped to a random page in Goblet of Fire searching for a Mad-Eye Moody quote.  Glad I found one that is vaguely disturbing...

Monday, June 27, 2011

17: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Are you still dying to know what the Spell you're going to do as you wait in joyful anticipation for the last Harry Potter movie to come out, well you're in luck as I've still got PLENTY of USEFUL ADVICE

These kids will bring you snacks and coffee if you ask nicely
7. Teamwork is essential at the movie premiere, especially if said premiere is at the mall.  If you are going with a group of more than 2 people you can use this skillfully to your advantage.  Having lot's of friends with you provides everyone oppurtunities to stand up and walk around the area.  This way, people can be assigned to bring dinner to the group, provide coffee for those fading, and largely avoiding a critically injured tailbone. It can also come in handy if you yourself can't get to the premiere as early as you would want to because of something unbelievably important.  If you have friends who are getting their early, they can hold your spot, no problem.  WARNING: do not keep your friends waiting too long though, especially if it is a smaller group holding the spot and a larger group arriving late.  The other people in line will NOT thank you when they're suddenly behind five extra people.  If this is the case however, let the majority of the group arrive by four at the absolute latest.

17 quote

"Just because it's taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn't mean no one else has spotted I'm a girl!" Ah school dances, they're fun for everyone! Especially Hermione in Goblet of Fire who can't seem to appreciate the fact that she got to go to one with an international super star athlete.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


To get myself in the spirit of being in London, here's a little factoid about the Knight Bus. 

Apparently after the tube stops running around midnight, the "night bus" is the only way to get around.  Since these buses come late at night, they reportedly move faster and seem a bit more unsteady than taking the bus during the day.  So naturally the "Knight Bus" does the same thing for wizards.  However, the Knight Bus gets its name because it comes to the rescue of stranded witches and wizards, making it sort of like a (to use a cliche) "knight in shining armour" to anyone who needs saving. 

Mind Blowing huh???
maybe not so much as other facts but, hey...

18 quote

"It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up" This is true especially when you're waiting to take an exam you really don't want to because you know your going to fail. Thank you Goblet of Fire, for teaching us a real life lesson

Saturday, June 25, 2011

19: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

So I've told you when to go, what to wear, who to bring, and how to behave.  What I haven't told you yet though is how to stay awake.  This can be accomplished in many different ways and to be honest, your lack of sleep only becomes a pressing issue as you drive home at 3 am and fully realise the extent of your fatigue.

6.  In order to avoid being THAT person who complains that they are staying up too late, get a good night sleep the night before.  Don't stay up till three and then wake up at eight (then agian, only I wake up early in the summer) try and be well rested.  If that simply isn't possible caffinate yourself like its your job.  5 Hour Energy is good for five hours of the day, while sodas and coffee can also provide you that extra energy boost if you're certain a bathroom is within reach (bladder can and WILL be a problem).  If you shamefacedly begin to nod off at 5pm because you woke up at 6am because it was a school day and you still have to be educated, have a friend casually use you as an arm rest as they remain alert, because worst case scenario, onlookers think you're just an unfortunately place hobo, and you get a few ZZZZ's in.

But read carefully, false advertising can be a bitch

19 quote

"Well, well . . . I'm impressed. That suggests what you fear most of all is -- fear. Very wise, Harry." 

<3<3<3<3<3<3 as you probably can guess if you've read this blog before, Lupin is my favorite character, which is basically half the reason Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book.  He's like a mini FDR when he drops word-bombs like that ^.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Ten days have gone by since I started this post, and I think it's about time I mentioned that I am currently in Jolly Old England on vacation! I have the posting schedualed to come out at a certain time every day, so hopefully blogger does not betray me and it all goes according to plan, but enough about that, here is fact #20 that you've been DYING for. 

As much as I pretended to shiver at the thought of time travel in the books, today's fact is about time travel in the books.  Since Hermione was traveling back in time at least 2 hours a day five days a week in her 3rd year, she was gaining 10 extra hours every week.  Since she had to wait for time to catch up again every time she time traveled, she was 10 hours older than she should have been at the end of each week.  Hogwarts isn't in session for July and August, which means Hermione traveled back in time roughly (taking o ut holiday weekends) 38 weeks a year, so multiplying that together, plus the three hours she and Harry traveld backk at the end of the book, isn't Hermione at LEAST 15 days older than she should be?

Does YOUR head hurt too? you can thank the lovely people of MuggleCast who brought this mind-blowing subject to my attention (episode 59 for anyone who wants their brain to hurt further)

20 quote

"HE WAS THEIR FRIEND" sorry but I had to...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

21: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

I know you're all loving this delightful series of helpful hints, so I'm going to continue it until I can no longer think of anything.

Sometimes, this person is your best friend
5. This may seem weird, but dress up. It is the best way to become the most popular person at the premiere.  Not only should you dress up, but don't take the half-ass route and wear a red tie and white oxford because you're "embarassed" to be seen.  Face the facts, you're already waiting in line for hours on end to see a movie about a boy wizard at midnight, anyone who see you can already tell you a committed fan, and you might as well put it over the edge and go all out.  That being said, wearing a costume the whole time is impractical.  Bring the costume in a bag and wear comfy clothes for the first few hours (if you do wait in line as long as I recommend) then put your fantastic costume on later around 8:00.  This is the time when the buzz really starts to happen, and more people will appreciate your costume and be jealous of your effortless swagger.  

21 quote

"Mysterious thing time. Powerful, and when meddled with, dangerous" Don't even get me started with how time works it way into these books, my head hurts just thinking about it...
I might shoot myself

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Today's Mind Blowing fun can be figured out by anyone with a little bit of math and an alarming amount of over analyzing.

How old is Voldemort?  If we use the Chamber of Secrets as our reference, Tom Riddle attended Hogwarts 50 years ago when the Chamber was last opened.  He was a sixth year at the time, making him 66 in Chamber of Secrets. So, using this semi-logic by the time Harry (17) fights Voldemort in the last book, he is 71 years old.
So basically, Harry has a LOT of trouble defeating someone who should be living in a retirement home.

22 quote

Moving on to quotes from The Prisoner of Azkaban, in which Harry asks the reader many important questions
"Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

23: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Still got plenty of things to tell you about how to behave at one of these things...

4. Going to a movie premiere is like going to a foreign country, people act differently, dress differently, and talk differently (in this case, you
may run in to lots of people with TERRIBLE British
accents). Because you'll be so out of your element at least in the beginning, pay attention to those around you and see what you're up against. For example, is it a friendly crowd? or are there more people dressed up as Bellatrix and Voldemort? (maybe avoid them if they seem to be taking this role too seriously). Also determine how enthusiastic the crowd is, that way you can tailor your personal enthusiasm to that of the crowd. Not only does this help you feel more comfortable with the people around you, but you'll also waste even MORE time as you wait in line.

Yayyy potter fans

23 quote

"'Enemies of the Heir Beware'? You'll be nextmudbloods" Unlike Hagrid, Malfoy is not known for his endearingly sentimental moments throughout the series. Even as a youngin in Chamber of Secrets he was full of happiness and love

Monday, June 20, 2011


When Rowling read the script for the sixth Harry Potter film, she noticed a line where Dumbledore mentioned a girl he once had a crush on when he went to Hogwarts. It was at this point that Rowling revealed to the film makers that this wouldn't do because she had always seen Dumbledore as being gay... The cat was out of the bag and well, you know the rest. (Unfortunately, I can't take credit for this beautiful photo, I found it at

24 quote

" 'Dirty Blood.' Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of spell that our Hermione can't do." I can always rely on Hagrid for my sentimental quotes (from Chamber of Secrets)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

25: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

I'm keeping this thing going so long as I have advice to give you youngin's

3. Come PROPERLY prepared. If you've listened to my last two posts, than you'll know that I expect you to wait in line for a while. Since this is the case, bring something to entertain yourself with. Bring a pillow or something so you don't bruise your tail bone, a book to read, a DVD player, or maybe a computer if the mall has wifi. My point is the wait will be a LONG one, so have some entertainment and comfort so you and your friends aren't bored to tears for hours. Like coloring...perhaps...

25 quote

"Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom" In hindsight, this probably won't be my best choice of quotes, as taken out of context it sounds a bit wrong. I guess they don't call the book Chamber of Secrets for nothing...

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Now this fact isn't quite my normal style, but it's interesting, mind blowing, and a little bit creepy...
Earlier this year when i was watching the JK Rowling/Oprah interview, Rowling revealed an interesting and little known fact about the book to movie transitions. Apparently once upon a time, a nice, normal, and alive man named Michael Jackson approached Rowling and asked if he could make a musical adaptation of the book
series. Needless to tell you, she said no. But could you imagine the mind blowing weirdness that would result from a Harry Potter Musical???

oh wait...

26 quote

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than out abilities" Moving on to Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore drops another word-bomb on Harry.

Friday, June 17, 2011

27: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Well Flup.
Continuing on from blog post 29, I will generously give you more dollops of wisdom about the proper Potter premiere protocol

2. Lines get long, FAST. Last time I went (as you can read in my November postings) I got to the movie theater at 3pm and the line already had 40 people in it, by the end of the night 2400 people were lined up to see the movie, stretching all the way across the mall. If you're crazy like me, the earlier the better, but I recommend that anyone who does not want to be #1200-#2400 get there at least by 5:30. If you stroll in at 9:00, you're going to have a long walk to the end

27 quote

"Everyone starts at the beginning...Just be yerself. I know it's hard...But yeh'll have a great time" Everyone's favorite pseudo-intellectual psuedo-giant Hagrid, improper english and all. (once again from Sorcerer's Stone)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today we will journey into the different statuses a person can hold in the world of HP

A pureblood is a person that is the child of both a witch and wizard and who has no muggle blood in them. A halfblood is the child of a pureblood and muggle/mudblood. A blood traitor isn't really a blood status; it's a term used to describe pure bloods who marry or deal with those "below" their blood status. A mudblood is a witch or wizard who is born into a muggle family and a squib is the exact opposite; a muggle born into a wizarding family.

These facts are painstakingly brought to you by me, who hopes your mind is blown by my alarmingly extensive knowledge on the subject

28 quote

"He couldn't know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: 'To Harry Potter -- The Boy Who Lived!'" Some inspiration for weeks to come in Sorcerer's Stone

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My god this is a lot of posting

SUPER SHORT ONE. but on an odd side note, "29 Quote" appears below the rest of the posts...
hopefully this won't happen again

29: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Instead of searching for 30 more random facts about Harry Potter and running the risk of repeating myself, I will dole out some decent Harry Potter Wisdom every other day (except the last day of course) So, here is today's:

If you are planning to attend a midnight screening of Harry Potter, here is the first thing you should do:

  1. For one, you should get a big group of friends to see it with you, there is strength in numbers, and you have to sit in line for a LONG time, why not do it with some friends?

#2 will come on the 27th, respectively. Stay tuned! Props to Mary Purnell for the picture

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Although the series focuses on Hogwarts, there are other wizarding schools throughout the world, according to Rowling. Obviously, you have Beauxbaton and Durmstrang, but Rowling also mentions at least one school in Brazil and one in the United States (reppin') called "Salem Witches Institute" Not as cool as going to Hogwarts I presume, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. And all the Americans who are reading this, just had their minds blown. (information for this was found here)

30 Quote

"There was nothing about the starry sky that night to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening"

Opening lines of Sorcerer's Stone...and here we go.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Coming Tomorrow

That's right kiddies, its that time of year again when I berate you with endless facts and figures about the Harry Potter series for the month leading up to it. It will be thrilling, mind blowing, interesting, fun, scary, sad, and maybe a little sassy...If you followed my blog last time during Harry Potter Palooza, it's going to be a little different this time around. For one, I'm fairly certain I don't have 30 more facts on the books to dole out, so this time facts will be about the movies too, as well as my PERSONAL advice about how to do a Potter Premier Properly (believe me I've had plenty of experience in the subject). So if you're as excited as I am for the next 4 weeks of blogging fun, read again tomorrow for #3o!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Journey to the End

As anyone who has met me should and does know, I am an avid Harry Potter fan. Being such a fan, I am attending the midnight premiere of the movie when it comes out. I had it all arranged, the people the place the food the time, until I was thrown a curveball, the day after tickets went on sale, telling me that the movie was already in fact, sold out in Annapolis.
The day after Tickets went on sale
It was sold out
I had no ticket.
Panicking, I went on near maniacal rage trying to find a nearby theatre that would suffice and where I was least likely to get shot. Once I found it, I called in the troops and they all agreed to come with me, except I bought an extra ticket and have to find one more troop to take it. Just as I was beginning to calm down I read an article that said all movie theaters have not begun to sell tickets yet. This could mean that the Annapolis Movie Theater isn't sold out yet and I panicked and jumped the gun.
Flup. My. Life.
Only Time will tell how this turns out, however, and if Annapolis does in fact begin to sell tickets soon. Well...I'll figure out something...
This movie better be worth it

Thursday, June 9, 2011

El Verano

except not like that ^ summer
Yes we all love summer, but it is not, in the words of a certain friend of mine "endlesssummerofnoregrets". it will not be endless. It will be approximately 3 months give or take, and I'm sure many of you will have regrets. But before I lose any readers due to my lack of summer enthusiasm, I'd like to point out that I do in fact enjoy summer. And as an added bonus to my legions of followers, I will be blogging more about less important things. My trip to England and general thoughts about life will make it into the blogosphere. Most importantly, as the newest and FINAL HARRY POTTER movie comes out, I will bring back my most popular blogs, the countdown to Harry Potter, quotes and random facts and all (if I run out, there may be something else about HP to look forward to) and to anyone who is wondering. NO I am not a freak. So, get ready for summer everyone! It's going to