The Word.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

19: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

So I've told you when to go, what to wear, who to bring, and how to behave.  What I haven't told you yet though is how to stay awake.  This can be accomplished in many different ways and to be honest, your lack of sleep only becomes a pressing issue as you drive home at 3 am and fully realise the extent of your fatigue.

6.  In order to avoid being THAT person who complains that they are staying up too late, get a good night sleep the night before.  Don't stay up till three and then wake up at eight (then agian, only I wake up early in the summer) try and be well rested.  If that simply isn't possible caffinate yourself like its your job.  5 Hour Energy is good for five hours of the day, while sodas and coffee can also provide you that extra energy boost if you're certain a bathroom is within reach (bladder can and WILL be a problem).  If you shamefacedly begin to nod off at 5pm because you woke up at 6am because it was a school day and you still have to be educated, have a friend casually use you as an arm rest as they remain alert, because worst case scenario, onlookers think you're just an unfortunately place hobo, and you get a few ZZZZ's in.

But read carefully, false advertising can be a bitch

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