The Word.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

11: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Along with all the friends you are going to make at the premiere, you are probably going to make a few enemies as well.

10. The premiere can be a time of fun and festivities for some, and a time of impatience and irratation for others.  There are some people who come to the premiere and do not expect it to be like it is, a long wait in line that is only not painful if you're a big enough fan and having followed my advice.  You can bet your enemy will not be reading my blog, and as soon as they get to the theatre they will regret it.  This person will be more tired of waiting in line than anybody else, and more than irritated with the noise and general mayhem of the event.  They will also pick a fight over anything, what you're doing saying, or acting like, even where you're sitting if you're lucky like me and run into a couple who cleaims to have "reserved" seats in the theatre.  Who reserves seats in a theatre? no one. That's why the best way to deal with this person is to ignore their inane complaining.  Even if they go and tell the theatre attendant, who cares??? the attendant certainly doesn't, because they are working the most hectic shift of their lives in the middle of the night.  They could care less at the petty complaints becaus they can't do anything anyways.  If a person comes up to you trying to pick a fight, politely tell them you're here to enjoy yourself and they should enjoy themselves. Elsewhere.

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