The Word.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

7 days, 1 week, 7 horcruxes, it is also July 7th. if it was 2007 my mind would be blown.  But it isn't so the fun  stops at 7/7/11

12. Now that you've gotten yourself perfectly settled in the theatre, it is probably around 9:30, which means you only have 2 and a half hours left until the end.  (time has flown by hasn't it?).  Now is your chance to really shine! the level of excitement is already at epic proportions, and it is your job as the coolest person in the theatre to make sure that level stays up.  Most people will be friendly and interactive, so use this to your advantage and start a riot. Now, when I say riot, I don't mean pitchforks and torches, I mean music and wands! Every self respecting potter fan at the premiere will be well versed in the pop-culture surrounding the books, including the youtube sensations that have been created as a result.  I recommend assigning the theatre different parts in the hit youtube phenomenon "The Mysterious Ticking Noise".  People will go CRAY CRAY for you, trust me, and don't you always strive to be the best? 

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