The Word.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

At the Beach?

Get to work on that killer tan

Out of sheer boredom, I am blogging about my current location and how it is affecting me.

Currently, I am in Bethany Beach, DE. Currently it is 32 F outside, and at the end of December. oh yeah - there is also about half a foot of snow outside at our beach house. Now, when one thinks of a beach house, they think of a place to escape the cold weather and relax in the sun, working on a killer tan. NOT a place where you have to put on more layers in order to stay warm inside your house. So why am I here? Because my parents wanted to escape the helter skelter of life in the 'burbs of DC and go to the beach, which, during the winter, is populated by the old folks who live here year round. As grateful as I am that we have a beach house, I do NOT like being cramped here during the winter. Most people who only visit these quaint little beach towns in the summer don't know what they are like in the winter, well I'll tell you what its like -

It's like there was a massive evacuation of a town because of an airborne diesease that lethally effects anyone under the age of 60. No stores are open, the beach is useless unless I'm enough of a massochist to jump in and hope for hypotermia (there isn't a nearby hospital anyways, only a vet), it is cold outside, and your lucky to find a resturaunt that doesn't close at 8:00.

All I can do to keep myself entertained is my homework

...This will be interesting

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Caper

I did this for thanksgiving too, and I rather enjoyed it so here is my holiday list of what is great and not so great about Jesus's Birthday

  1. Cookies!
  2. Holiday Specials!
  3. Snow!
  4. Christmas Trees!
  5. Decorations!
  6. Secret Santa's! (the receiving end)
  7. the Anticipation
  8. Starbucks Seasonal Flavours!
  9. Presents! duh...
  10. Family!
  11. Your still off school for a week!
  12. Warm Fuzziness


  1. Obesity
  2. Holiday Specials (Rudolph has the worst lesson ever)
  3. When it doesn't snow and your "white Christmas" is ruined
  4. Fighting over a Christmas Tree, when your younger sibling wins
  5. Cleaning up ALL the decorations
  6. Fixing faulty lights on the house/tree
  7. Secret Santa's, struggling to buy something for someone you don't know too well
  8. The sadness after you've opened your presents
  9. The increased sadness on the 26th
  10. Pretending to like that sweater your grandma got you, being awkwardly enthusiastic
  12. School starts again in a week

Call me a Grinch, but I still love the holidays, the pro's are once again greater and more powerful than the cons. After all, 'Tis the Season to be Jolly

Saturday, December 25, 2010

HAPPY Christmas

Happy FLUPPING Christmas to everyone who follows my blog, and those of you who just read my blog ;). Every self respecting Christian of any denomination loves this holiday, despite its commercialism. In fact I love it because of its commercialism, the tradition, the movies, the overall cheesiness that comes with the holiday cheer. Every year I try and do something special and new that will simultaneously delight and antagonise my family. This year its saying Happy Christmas instead of Merry, like my fellow Englishmen would. Naturally, being the good little duckling that I was and always am I, I got a nice haul this year, particularly the HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS VG. yeah that wasn't the best thing....
I'm not that weird. I also got leather gloves (but you don't care)
Anyhow, tomorrow and after New Years I will do posting like I did on thanksgiving, a sort of pro and con list of these most celebrated holidays. But today, I just wanted to wish you that happiest day of jolly present opening possible.


Monday, December 20, 2010

AW - a word

FLUP - I'm not a person who likes to curse or speak french alot, unless the situation merits such obsenities. Now, I have no problem with people who do like to curse like a sailor, but I'm just not one of them. When I was younger I would try "Frick" or "Freakin' but they just ended up sounding wrong to me, so I decided it was time to become semi-original. and by semi-original, I'm referring to the fact that I first heard the word "flup" a comedy from New Zealand, called Flight of the Conchords. As it turns out, I misheard Bret because of the accent and he was actually saying "Flip". So I guess I did make up flup. Kinda. Anyways you may have noticed that I use it in some of my other posts, and I thought it merited an explanation. To all you potty-mouths out there, I suggest you try it, it simply rolls off the tongue and children everywhere will smile at your lack of profanity.

"That post was flupping awesome!"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's all over

This is what you look like and
This is how you feel
As promised here is my unfortunate recounting of the horrors of studying for exams - I know I said I would post after the first one or at least right after the last one but I under estimated the recuperation period necessary to recover such an exhausting occasion. Here are a few of the highlights one can expect when studying for exams:

The Fun Stuff:

  • The copious amounts of work you have to look over
  • The jittery nerves mixed in with caffeine mixed in with exhaustion, that reeks of imminent failure
  • Insanity
  • Ability to ramble on about ATP and Andrew Jackson... during your math exam
  • Crying
  • Insomnia
  • Narcolepsy
  • The jubilation at finishing one exam, then going home and cramming for the next one
  • The lack of christmas spirit
  • Losing your grip on reality and becoming obsessed with teen drama's, like The Vampire Diaries
  • Fatigue
The only good thing about exams is the fact that after the last exam is finished, and you step outside into the cold winter sunlight, you feel...freedom. In some cases like last week it is especially magical as snow begins to fall, celebrating the fact that you are done studying for your flupping exams. Then you pick up your backpack full of over-break school work, and trudge home. At least I got a free mocha at the end of it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

As promised

So apparently someone put this up on youtube of me and Mary and Kaylee singing Potter puppet pals at the Harry Potter premier? which is probably the best thing to ever happen to me publicity wise, even though the view is narrow and marry is much more obvious in the video, anyways this just shows you how flupping awesome harry potter is.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Side note

I've noticed that I know have a substantial number of people reading the blog or clicking onto it, but I only have 7 followers which leaves room for improvement in my mind. If you want to follow me, (or you don't) just do it!!!! click that little button and I will give you a personal shout out, regardless of I know you or not. Everyone likes to be mentioned! look how much I mention Mary Purnell!!! also if there's anything you want me to post about; Winter, family, holidays, more harry potter, etc. leave me a comment sometime and I will give you one hell of a mind blowing post on the topic of your choice.

thanks for reading! and DOUBLE THANKS for following!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Exams are coming my notebooks getting fat

please tell me teachers I'm done with that.

ANYWHO, if no one got my clever reference to that one christmas song "Christmas is coming" it's because you, like me, are so caught up in the feverish race to cram 3 months worth of knowledge into your tiny leetle mind for a two hour long mega-test, that there is no such thing as christmas in our mind at the moment. Your decemeber countdown is until the last exam, when Christmas will hit you hard in the face and you'll realize it was there all along. Everyone has different ways of coping, as was painstakingly explained to me the other day in a 20 minute long speech about how to prepare yourself mentally, physically, and pathologically for exams. Some of us never change our clothes, others decide that we are going to convert to judaism and write a post about it on our blog, despite the fact that our namesake is the mother of jesus, and some of us Because thats all you can do, no matter what a teacher tells you about "applying knowledge to everyday situations in order to get a more firm grasp on its practical implications" I'm never going to need to know what the flup the Krebs cycle is when converting chemical energy to adenosine triphosphate, or how it applies to my body. SOMEONE MADE IT UP JUST TO SPITE ME. sorry.
At any rate, it's getting late and I will try to update the blog after exams and during to get the full scope of the problem for your pleasure