The Word.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

HAPPY Christmas

Happy FLUPPING Christmas to everyone who follows my blog, and those of you who just read my blog ;). Every self respecting Christian of any denomination loves this holiday, despite its commercialism. In fact I love it because of its commercialism, the tradition, the movies, the overall cheesiness that comes with the holiday cheer. Every year I try and do something special and new that will simultaneously delight and antagonise my family. This year its saying Happy Christmas instead of Merry, like my fellow Englishmen would. Naturally, being the good little duckling that I was and always am I, I got a nice haul this year, particularly the HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS VG. yeah that wasn't the best thing....
I'm not that weird. I also got leather gloves (but you don't care)
Anyhow, tomorrow and after New Years I will do posting like I did on thanksgiving, a sort of pro and con list of these most celebrated holidays. But today, I just wanted to wish you that happiest day of jolly present opening possible.


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