The Word.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Caper

I did this for thanksgiving too, and I rather enjoyed it so here is my holiday list of what is great and not so great about Jesus's Birthday

  1. Cookies!
  2. Holiday Specials!
  3. Snow!
  4. Christmas Trees!
  5. Decorations!
  6. Secret Santa's! (the receiving end)
  7. the Anticipation
  8. Starbucks Seasonal Flavours!
  9. Presents! duh...
  10. Family!
  11. Your still off school for a week!
  12. Warm Fuzziness


  1. Obesity
  2. Holiday Specials (Rudolph has the worst lesson ever)
  3. When it doesn't snow and your "white Christmas" is ruined
  4. Fighting over a Christmas Tree, when your younger sibling wins
  5. Cleaning up ALL the decorations
  6. Fixing faulty lights on the house/tree
  7. Secret Santa's, struggling to buy something for someone you don't know too well
  8. The sadness after you've opened your presents
  9. The increased sadness on the 26th
  10. Pretending to like that sweater your grandma got you, being awkwardly enthusiastic
  12. School starts again in a week

Call me a Grinch, but I still love the holidays, the pro's are once again greater and more powerful than the cons. After all, 'Tis the Season to be Jolly

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