The Word.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's all over

This is what you look like and
This is how you feel
As promised here is my unfortunate recounting of the horrors of studying for exams - I know I said I would post after the first one or at least right after the last one but I under estimated the recuperation period necessary to recover such an exhausting occasion. Here are a few of the highlights one can expect when studying for exams:

The Fun Stuff:

  • The copious amounts of work you have to look over
  • The jittery nerves mixed in with caffeine mixed in with exhaustion, that reeks of imminent failure
  • Insanity
  • Ability to ramble on about ATP and Andrew Jackson... during your math exam
  • Crying
  • Insomnia
  • Narcolepsy
  • The jubilation at finishing one exam, then going home and cramming for the next one
  • The lack of christmas spirit
  • Losing your grip on reality and becoming obsessed with teen drama's, like The Vampire Diaries
  • Fatigue
The only good thing about exams is the fact that after the last exam is finished, and you step outside into the cold winter sunlight, you feel...freedom. In some cases like last week it is especially magical as snow begins to fall, celebrating the fact that you are done studying for your flupping exams. Then you pick up your backpack full of over-break school work, and trudge home. At least I got a free mocha at the end of it.

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