The Word.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Wee Little Review of an Epic Finale

Again, I fail to live up to my word, but in my defense there was too much for me to write on this glorious subject, and I was at a real live Huckleberry Frolic which of course to precedent.  SO, here comes my review. In a word, the movie was BRILLIANT. Seriously, if you haven't see it yet you are flupping crazy and should find the nearest theatre as soon as humanly possible.

Since there are many many MANY reviews online I will keep mine brief.  I loved the movie and thought it was a great way to end the series. It was crazy good, action-packed, and never boring for a second.  Most importantly, they nailed all the scenes that are pivotal in the book, and omitted relatively few things (except the house elves attack, which definelty should have stayed in the script). Alan Rickman deserves an Oscar for his Snape, because after all these years, who knew he could deliver more than a deadpan? Furthermore, the Prince's Tale and Resurrection Stone scenes were depressing, which made them perfect.  I laughed, I cried, I screamed, and I nervously giggled when Voldemort hugged Draco (arguably the best scene in the entire movie).  In fact, it's only been out a week and I've seen it three times, (no judgement) yet it still doesn't get old.  Even the epilogue, which was awkward and weird in the book, feels right in the movie.  Deathly Hallows Part 2. wraps up the series we know and love beautifully, and I couldn't have asked for a better send off.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It all ended.

Sorry this post is not, as I promised, coming out on July 15th but instead on July22nd, but I was dealing with the physical deterioration of my mental psyche which resulted from the ending of my childhood (metaphorically of course, I am still very much a precocious youngin'). Now that I have recovered enough to face my blog, here is how my POTTER PREMIERE WENT!!! (watch out kiddies, it's a long one)

10:30am - Drive my sister to work so I can have the car, lie about how early I am going to spare myself silent humiliation.
11:00am - speed to Mary's house and wait for her to load her bedroom into my car.
11:30am - (for some reason it took us awhile to get to the mall) SPRINT into the movie theatre only to find that we will not be getting the corner we were hoping for. Brief moment of despair followed by the stamping of the tickets.  More despair when we find out we can only stamp tickets for those of us present at the moment. Panicked text to other 5 people ensues.
12:00pm - Mary gets food I try unsuccesfully to get a new Nancy Drew game, and we both try to figure out where best to sit in line, we meet some nice potter fans (albeit a little strange, like us) who are helpful and nice. Daaaw
1:00pm - MARGOT ARRIVES! WITH SNACKS! We try and trick the ticket lad again into stamping the other three tickets, he figures out our ruse and deems me Public Enemy No. 1.  Determined to foil him, Margot and I find three unsuspecting mall teens and persuade them to come upstairs to the movie theatre and get our tickets stamped for us. Being nice, they do. Ticket lad does so unwittingly, until it dawns on him that I have won. Still Public Enemy No. 1.
2:30pm - Emily and Marylee arrive! I struggle to finish St. Joan while we have our first caffeine break.  We all eat Bertie Botts, and no one throws up! (although some were less than happy with their pickings)
4:00pm - To shake things up, I turn up the beatz and play Get Back to Hogwarts from AVPM.  Everyone REJOICES AND SINGS WITH ME! <3
5:15pm - for some unknown reason, they move us into our theatre already, people panic, run, scream, and rush their belongings out to the car, while my group and I get the good seats in the theatre, just as planned. (a lady from Chik-Fil-A hands us free sandwich coupons, hooray!)
5:30pm - Two people go and get our sandwiches, Kate and Lydi show up bring us MORE CANDY! You can feel the excitement in the room, Mary and I put on our costumes and Drahco returns.
9:00pm - Costume contest! Mary enters and get's 4th PLACE!!! we all cheer ourselves hoarse for her and have our second caffeine break.  I see people from my school and am a teensy bit embarrassed with myself.
9:30pm - OTHER DRAHCO SIGHTING <3 we take the picture we should have taken 6 months ago
10:00pm - Someone challenges me to answer a trivia question for a silly band. I ask for a Red VIne instead, answer the question easily, then act like an idiot as they video tape me. (It's like being drunk sometimes)
11:00pm - TRIVIA COMPETITION I enter, win, (kind of) then leave with a poster of Neville. By now, everyone is beside themselves with excitement
12:01am - It all ends.
2:15am - So does my childhood.

Tomorrow (actually seriously) I will post my thoughts on the ending of the series! WHAT A MIND BLOWING HUCKLEBERRY FROLIC!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Well kiddies, we've made it this far, and tomorrow is the day that we put all these tactics into practice.  Get your coffee thermos ready and your boyfriend pillow fluffy, because tomorrow you will be, for all intents and purposes, camping out in a movie theatre.  I will try and post a little something early in the morning and on the 15th about my movie premiere experience.  I have one last little gem to impart to you before tomorrow, and if you've been reading this the past thirty days, thank you for giving me more views than I thought possible.

15.  Just enjoy yourself! To be honest, I've never had more fun seeing a movie than I do when I go to one of the premieres.  The energy level is insane.  People laugh, cry, and cheer at the right moments in the movie, making it all the more fun.  Join in with them! Cheer when you want to, get really into it, milk it for all it's worth because after all, its only a two hour movie, and the last time you will have a chance to do this.  If you've been with the Harry Potter series as long as I have, you'll want this last time to be the BEST time as well. When its all over, at 2AM, you'll most likely walk out of the theatre in a daze, thinking "that was it"  all cheesiness aside, you've already waited in line for the entire day, so make the most of it and enjoy Harry Potter for one last time.
Props to this chica for continuously letting me
exploit her in photos

Thanks for reading!

1 quote

"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it?" whispered Harry. "Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does… I am the true master of the Elder Wand."
Final quote.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The final fact in my Harry Potter countdown ever.

Rowling has made a statement that after the books ended and before the time period of the epilogue, Hermione was the only member of the trio who returned to Hogwarts to complete her 7th year, she then ended up working for the ministry as a higher up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.  Even though Ron and Harry didn't go back for their final year, Rowling has said they both became very skilled Auror's and Harry became the department head. yayyyy loose ends!

2 quote

"I'll join you when hell freezes over." 

Monday, July 11, 2011

3: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

14. Naturally we are starting to get down to the nitty gritty facts.  I've already given you every fact I can think of concerning the night itself in overview, from when to get there, where to sit, what to wear, who to bring, and why I'm right.  Finally, the question you so desperately want to ask but are too uncomfortable to mention...."what about the bathroom?"
I want you to be her^

That is a good question and I'm happy you got up the courage to ask it! My advice for this is simple, avoid it at all costs.  Not so much that you're about to explode during the movie, but try to avoid your bladder reaching full capacity before the movie even starts.  Go to the bathroom during previews, then, if you still want to guzzle down that large Dr. Pibb you ordered, PACE YOURSELF.  The faster you drink it the more you'll have to go to the bathroom.  If you sip it like a delicate lady, than you will take on the persona of a delicate lady, who only needs to go to the bathroom at convenient times for everyone (see next month for my "steps on being a delicate lady" blog).  If you absolutely have to go to the bathroom, if your need to go becomes so urgent that you can't pay attention to the movie anymore, than wait for a not so pivotal scene.  For example, I was faced with this conundrum during the first movie, waited for the right time, and sprinted out to the bathroom during a long sequence scene of Ron being angry and the glorious English countryside, i didn't miss ANYTHING!

You may even have time for a casual mirror
So, if you have to go to the bathroom during the movie, you are already at an advantage because you read the book, and when the moment hits that a scene is miss-able, run for the bathroom, then run back as fast as possible.

Well I hope this was informative, if not sufficiently awkward for you to read and me to write.  But hey, the more you knowww....

3 quote

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, theb attle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour."

Sunday, July 10, 2011


This is a short little one, but I like it all the same.

Along the same lines as my Dean/Gary Thomas fact, when Rowling was brainstorming what to name Voldemort's followers, she came up with a name that she thought would work nicely.  No, it was not Death Eaters, but Knights of Walpurgis.

All I can say is, I'm glad she changed her mind

4 quote

"I don't want anyone else to try to help. It's got to be like this. It's got to be me."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

5: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Only 3 more Premiere tips left before the ultimate test begins...

Or you can bring your own snackies
13.  As you're now settled in and comfortable as the most popular person in theatre, its probably 10 or 10:30 so you still have a ways to go.  All that singing and dancing and rolling has taken a lot of energy and you're probably unsure of what your next move shall be.  Your stomach grumbles and the tantalizing smell of popcorn overwhelms your senses.  You WANT to go get some, but wonder just how long that line actually is.  Like wise, you've been fueling your body on junk food and coffee all day, so you don't really want to keep the heavy spending going well into the wee hours of the night.  My advice, and it may seem a little risky, is wait until one of the very last moments possible, right before you think the previews will start.  By then you'll have enough time to consider if you REALLY want popcorn or if you just think you do because of the atmosphere, and you can easily check the line and decide whether or not to wait.  Chances are, the closer you get to showtime, the less people will be in line and the quicker you can get through it.  That way you have popcorn during the movie instead of two hours before!

5 quote

"I'd tell him [Harry] we're all with him in spirit, and to follow his instincts, which are good and nearly always right." 

Friday, July 8, 2011


Less than a week...

Ever wonder what the Hogwarts staff does during the holidays? We already know Snape has a house in London where he stays in the summer, and if he does, than who else does as well? According to Rowling, the only permanent residence of Hogwarts are Dumbledore, Filch, and Hagrid (those three would have fun summer nights...) while the rest of the staff can go home to their families and spouses.  Spouses? It never crossed my mind Professor Sprout could be Mrs. Sprout...

Mind blowing, they are normal people (except for being wizards)

6 quote

 "I understand those things that I did not understand before. I must be the one to kill Harry Potter, and I shall be."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

7 days, 1 week, 7 horcruxes, it is also July 7th. if it was 2007 my mind would be blown.  But it isn't so the fun  stops at 7/7/11

12. Now that you've gotten yourself perfectly settled in the theatre, it is probably around 9:30, which means you only have 2 and a half hours left until the end.  (time has flown by hasn't it?).  Now is your chance to really shine! the level of excitement is already at epic proportions, and it is your job as the coolest person in the theatre to make sure that level stays up.  Most people will be friendly and interactive, so use this to your advantage and start a riot. Now, when I say riot, I don't mean pitchforks and torches, I mean music and wands! Every self respecting potter fan at the premiere will be well versed in the pop-culture surrounding the books, including the youtube sensations that have been created as a result.  I recommend assigning the theatre different parts in the hit youtube phenomenon "The Mysterious Ticking Noise".  People will go CRAY CRAY for you, trust me, and don't you always strive to be the best? 

7 quote

Sassy Witch
Why is it, that whenever anything happens, it's always you three?" More questions that need answering in Half-Blood Prince props to Mcgonagall for asking those tough questions.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Your animagus form is a direct reflection of your personality traits, Sirius turns into a dog because he is loyal, Rita Skeeter turns into a beetle probably because she "bugs" people, McGonogall turns into a cat because she is sharp, and Peter Pettigrew turns into a rat because he is one. (haha...jokes)


8 quote

"Times like these, dark times, they do funny things to people. They can tear them apart." There's a first time for everything, and that applies even today as I chose a quote that wasn't said by Dumbledore or Hagrid, but by Arthur Weasley in Half-Blood Prince.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

9: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

I only have 5 helpful hints left to give you before it's time to put theory into practice.  Learn well and keep reading.

Don't trip.
11. The moment has almost come, its around 8:30 and they are letting some people into the theaters.  As soon as the movie theatre attendant rips your ticket in half, you run like your life depends on it towards the theatre you were assigned to. Unsurprisingly you arrive their first and are faced with a myriad of choices to sit.  So the question arises, and you finally realize the truth with which Rebecca Black sings, "WHICH SEAT SHOULD I TAAAAKEEEE?" but stay calm, don't make a youtube video JUST YET.  Obviously, you know not to sit in any of the first 6 rows of the theatre unless you want to have a sore neck by the end of the movie.  I also wouldn't sit in the back on account of being behind everyone and, as I will tell you in post #7, you will want to be the center of attention.  That being said, try to find a seat that is in the direct middle of the theater in all ways, or as close to the middle as possible.  Not only is it the best seat for optimal viewing, but its the place to be for all activities.

9 quote

"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." Hamming it up on the Dumbledore quotes in Half-Blood Prince before, well I can't use Dumbledore quotes anymore...

Monday, July 4, 2011


The countdown is ON! only 10 days left until the day of the midnight premiere, which means we are 2/3's of the way through this wonderful blogging experience.

I already gave you a nice/sad fact about Dean Thomas first time around this countdown (his mysterious lack of father is due to the fact that he was killed when he refused to join the death eaters) but in Rowling's first draft of Sorcerer's Stone Dean Thomas was named Gary.

What a tool

10 quote

"Is a man alive if he can't be killed?" Starting to get serious (not sirius) in Half-Blood Prince, and asking us questions we're all wondering the answer to.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

11: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

Along with all the friends you are going to make at the premiere, you are probably going to make a few enemies as well.

10. The premiere can be a time of fun and festivities for some, and a time of impatience and irratation for others.  There are some people who come to the premiere and do not expect it to be like it is, a long wait in line that is only not painful if you're a big enough fan and having followed my advice.  You can bet your enemy will not be reading my blog, and as soon as they get to the theatre they will regret it.  This person will be more tired of waiting in line than anybody else, and more than irritated with the noise and general mayhem of the event.  They will also pick a fight over anything, what you're doing saying, or acting like, even where you're sitting if you're lucky like me and run into a couple who cleaims to have "reserved" seats in the theatre.  Who reserves seats in a theatre? no one. That's why the best way to deal with this person is to ignore their inane complaining.  Even if they go and tell the theatre attendant, who cares??? the attendant certainly doesn't, because they are working the most hectic shift of their lives in the middle of the night.  They could care less at the petty complaints becaus they can't do anything anyways.  If a person comes up to you trying to pick a fight, politely tell them you're here to enjoy yourself and they should enjoy themselves. Elsewhere.

11 quote

"Read it, control it, unhinge it. In the past it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce of agony, only when he had them literally begging for death would he finally... kill them." Let's just be honest here, mind reading would most definitely not be a preferable method of communication.  Especially if your teacher is doing it to you...basically, Harry's life sucks in Order of the Phoenix
Well this is awkward

Saturday, July 2, 2011


A dozen days duckies. And I have nice lesson in latin for you all

  • Obliviate, the spell that wipes memories, is derivied from the latin word oblivsci, which means to forget.
  • Oppugno makes objects attack a person, which is apropro because in latin Oppugno means to attack or assault
  • Petrificus Totalus, or the Body-Bind Curse, means "total petrification" in Latin
That's enough school today, after all it is summer and you don't need your mind to be blown by Latin

12 quote

"You know, I really hate children." you guessed it, it's your mama, UMBRIDGE! Bitch is cray cray in Order of the Phoenix
Joe Walker anyone?

Friday, July 1, 2011

13: Proper Potter Premiere Protocol

13 is an unlucky number but I think you'll be safe so long as you avoid theatre 13 row 13 seat 13.
On to today's helpful hint:

9. It is not only important to bring friends with you to the premiere, but try and MAKE friends with the people sitting around you.  I know this seems like it contradicts with my earlier statement of avoiding the more "dedicated" fans, but I can tell you're smart kids and know how to handle yourself.  Besides, it's actually fun to meet people, you already know you have something serious in common, and you're going to be sitting in line next to them for a while, so you might as well get friendly.  Last time I went, my friend Mary and I started talking to the girls in line in front of us, and they ended up being really nice, we hadn't brought anything to entertain ourselves with, so they offered us some of the stuff they'd brought while we waited.  We also saved each other's spots in line while we were waiting for our respective parties to show up (Side note: warn the people in line behind you if you have more people coming, that way it won't be an annoying big deal).  Who knows? you could meet your NEW BEST FRIEND.
Turns out Malfoy and I went to camp together as youngin's. Don't I look excited?

13 quote

"This isn't a criticism, Harry! But you do... sort of... I mean -- don't you think you've got a bit of a -- a -- saving people thing?" This is probably during my favorite part of Order of the Phoenix, when Harry hits puberty full force, teenage angst and all.  His friends however aren't quite sensitive to his situation regrettably...